Thursday, June 12, 2008

A New Face to Old Politics

Hello Friends,

My name is Justin Harrison and I'm running for Alameda City Council! This will be a new journey for me and I hope to share that experience with you through this blog! Keep checking in as I will be adding my stories from the campaign trail and new ideas about how to keep Alameda a great place to be!

Thank you for reading and I look forward to the exciting experience ahead!

Best Regards,
Justin Harrison
City Council November 2008

1 comment:

Da Man said...


What do you think the role of city government is, versus the country, state and federal government? Take for example, the public schools. Who should fund the schools, and how much. Another detailed example: Should there be school lunch programs, and if so, how should they be funded and who decides the menu? And who is eligible?


James C.